Episode 65
Effective Decisions
January 27, 2020

Leader Notes
The effective executive gets the right results. Their focus is on output and outcomes, not inputs and work flow.
The most important decisions you will make are about priorities and people.
Priority Decisions:
- Priority Decisions become far easier and fewer with a framework.
Framework Leadership by Kent Ingle, President of Southeastern University.
To effectively make priority decisions you need thinking time.
People Decisions:
- “People are chess, not checkers.” Marcus Buckingham
- Character and integrity do not accomplish anything, but their absence faults everything- character isn’t a plus, it’s a non-negotiable. – Peter Drucker
Decision Principles:
- Know what end you’re working towards.
- Know what action needs to be taken.
- Include Communication within the decision itself.
Leading Hope with Kevin Jack
Your influence will lead people somewhere, lead them towards Hope.
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