Episode 6

Episode 6

The Level of Expectation

December 11, 2019

Also Available On:

Episode 6

Leader Notes

If my expectations create my future, then we need to know how to raise our level of expectation.
Too often we can get caught in an expectation doom loop in which the worst we assumed keeps happening in part because that’s the future we created. You will always find room to criticize, you have to choose to be hopeful. On the positive side, there is also a massive difference between a wild imagination and high expectations. And we need to make sure those expectations are not just lofty, but realistic as well.

To make sure you’re Realistic:

  • Get to know the struggles of your people – we don’t have a corner on the information market.

To Raise:

  • Surround yourself with people who think bigger and have gone before.

  • And most of all: Pray.

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