Episode 55
The 2/3 rule for Decision Making
November 18, 2020

Leader Notes
What you need: The right decision at the right time in the right way.
The 3 Components:
- The right decision: Obviously making the right decision matters. Tons has been written on making good decisions so we’re not jumping into that here. Just press this: Decision making is a skill, it can be developed, but you might not be good at it yet.
The right time: It’s not always the right time to make decision. You can make it too early- which we’ll dive into in process, you can also make it too late and miss the opportunity. The timing of the decision matters.
In the right way: Process matters. Who contributes, who is heard from, has appropriate research been done or are you just going on your gut, who all is involved in making the decision.
The best decisions involve all 3, but you can get away with just doing 2 out of the 3.
Leading Hope with Kevin Jack
Your influence will lead people somewhere, lead them towards Hope.
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