Episode 41
Trust in Progress
August 12, 2020

Leader Notes
In this episode you will get an inside look at the on going process of developing trust and:
- Learn from our struggles & successes.
- Help you see not everyone responds to this work the same, so we’ll get a cross-section of different personalities.
Don’t want you to think this is a single meeting (the greatest error anyone could make!)
Questions answered by the Team:
- Describe our Team Pre-Trust Work and on the other side of all the initial work?
- What were some key moments, exercises, meetings when it comes to trust?
- As we went through some of those, what were you thinking, what were you feeling? Take us into your thoughts.
- How would you describe the process to someone else of developing trust within our team?
Leading Hope with Kevin Jack
Your influence will lead people somewhere, lead them towards Hope.
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