Episode 29
Flatten the Curve
May 20, 2020

Leader Notes
The entire idea of flattening the curve is to see the danger that is coming, and how to minimize the losses so that you don’t overwhelm the system. There are some trend lines that you can reverse, and there are other trend lines that you have to figure out how to weather the storm.
Key Lesson: What are the trend lines in your life?
– What can you avoid? What can you minimize? What good, can you increase?
Important note: If it isn’t working, or it’s not going to work- the path forward is doing something different. It may feel backwards, but it’s forward.
Identifying trend lines:
– COVID-19: Changed the environment. This is how everyone is behaving and the trend lines, let’s change it.
– 2 Pieces: You, Your Environment. Business, Your Industry. Stock & Stock Market.
– You need to know what direction you’re headed.
– You need to know what direction everything’s headed.
– If you’re a decent stock, in a market that is booming—> you’ll do great. Vice versa. (Now the rest of life)
– Explained: We get that for business, but we don’t seem to for the rest of our lives.
– Around when I hit 30 I gained about 15 pounds. I was the same, but metabolism slows down. Not just mine, everyone’s! Maintaining the same habits, in a declining environment is going to be a problem. I didn’t see it coming; I should’ve, but I didn’t.
– We do a decent job of seeing where we’re headed, but not how our environment is changing.
Environment Trend Lines:
– Relationships: 7-year-itch
– Business: Declining or Emerging Market
– Population Growth of the area
– Health: You’re getting older, what adaptations do you need to make.
– Personal Finances: What expenses aren’t current but are coming?
2 Statements:
– Don’t be the person who assumes your actions don’t matter because your environment is getting better. (Jack Welch Growth Assessment)
– Don’t be the person who assumes your actions will overcome any environmental hurdle.
Your influence will lead people somewhere, lead them towards Hope.
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