Episode 22

Get Your Oxygen Mask On

April 1, 2020

Also Available On:

Episode 22

Leader Notes

Using the metaphor of putting your oxygen mask on first, what do you need to take care of first before you do anything else?

  • Encouragement Level: You must be able to see the good that can come out of this (even if there isn’t much).
    a. Can’t lead towards hope if you don’t have hope.  “Leaders define reality and give hope.”
    b. If you don’t have hope: get it- call someone, personal rhythms, pray like crazy.

  • Thinking Clarity: Use your emotions, but don’t be emotional. Goes hand in hand with encouragement.
    a. Leading or Responding. Have a Plan or trying to avoid the worst.
    b. 2 Questions: 1) What are you afraid of?  2) What would fear lead you to do?
  • Team’s Pace: Relate to quickly changing nature of COVID-19; if you can’t make decisions at the pace of change you will always be behind.
    a. Relate to advice to church planter to not change anything for a year.
    b. Have to adapt your typical workflow. (Example: Tornado- 3 a day meetings)

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