Episode 16
Episode 16
Ethos Villain
Feb 19, 2020

Leader Notes
The lurking monster in your ethos, is your pride. No one thinks that they are arrogant, or more arrogant than the average person.
The Dangers of Pride:
1. Cuts you off from learning- stuck
2. Cuts you off from expressing need and gratitude- kills a team.
3. Treat people as tools- diminish the spirit of others, Prideful person makes others closed off.
How to quickly identify pride:
1. Harsh – see people shutting down.
2. Entitled – I deserve, frustrated when serving, monologue on beneath you.
3. Relationships that are shattered that you don’t care about – difference between separating for health & devaluing people.
Getting rid of pride: Truths & Values. Value others more than yourself, value being part of something bigger more than getting the credit. Truth: Next Week.
Your influence will lead people somewhere, lead them towards Hope.
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