Episode 13

Episode 13

Don’t Do This

January 29, 2020

Also Available On:

Episode 13 - Don't Do This

Leader Notes

Everyone can learn something from anyone. Even if it’s what not to do. This is what leaders don’t do that everyone else does:

  • Leaders don’t say “That’s Over My Head” pridefully. I’m not talking about their willingness to say “I don’t know”. I’m talking about the current climate that thinks if something is over their head that’s stupid. We pride being “fluent” in culture, more than being “fluent” or “competent” in our understanding of other topics. Example: Speaker at conference with higher level vocabulary and person next to me tuned out (You have to strive to improve). Other example: Southeastern University- raise my game. As leaders we should strive to speak in a language everyone can understand so we are easy to follow, but when we find someone playing the game at a level above us we should raise our game instead of tuning them out.

  • Leaders don’t allow the other person to dominate the questions. Give the dynamics of conversations and how most people talk about themselves, but if you’re speaking you’re not learning. When I sit down with someone whose doing something great, I have a hard time getting a question in because they always have another question. Leaders don’t let that happen.

  • Leaders don’t sit on what they know they should do. I’m not saying they don’t receive counsel, or advice. When they have some sense of clarity on what needs to happen they do it. They don’t wait to have the conversation, they just have it. Most of all they are people of action.

  • 3 key values: A humility, a desire to learn, and a bent towards action.

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