Episode 10

Episode 10

Think Like An Architect

January 8, 2020

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Episode 10 - Think Like An Architect

Leader Notes

There is a reason why most of our rhythms are observed and absorbed, and it’s because we don’t think at the level in which we need to in order to create an intentional life.

  • The first level is the ability to run your system. This is taking the system that has been handed to you and simply executing it. It is to live at the level of a front line employee. Anyone can do it – not everyone will do it. Some people don’t have the attitude and energy in order to do it, but everyone has the ability. (Note- to say you have the ability but you don’t is the farthest thing from a compliment).
  • The second level is managing the system. It is overseeing the system that has been handed to you, and helping others live into it. The equivalent of moving from parent to child. It’s someone who is now managing and helping others. It’s someone who steps into an organization and keeps it moving forward.
  • But there is a third level of someone who designs the system. This is someone who can articulate and envision what they want it to be, and creates a rhythm that will create that. This requires that you think like an architect. BIL teaches executive coaching and says think like a CEO- Why, Manager- What, Employee- How. Similar. But to think you are not just living your life, you are designing your life at the same time.

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