Episode 233
Learning Humility
June 12

Leader Notes
What Humility Is
A fake lack of confidence
Unawareness of your giftings
Humility is the absence of pre-occupation with yourself.
Humility is not thinking less of yourself, humility is thinking of yourself less. CS Lewis
One Reason Humility Is So Important
Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”
Humility reveals the gap that you can grow into.
Important idea
I used to think humility was the default and pride slowly crept in.
I now believer that pride is the default, and humility has to be learned.
Evidence: JJ Reddick & Lebron James podcast. Kids, Staff.
We assume competency and mastery are much closer than they actually are.
Learning Humility
Part One
People use the phrase “being humbled”
“Humbled” comes at two moments:
When ignorance meets competency
When competency meets mastery
Humbled does result in at least a short-term humility.
You don’t have to be humbled to be humble.
Part Two
Humility is a posture, humbled is an event. Humility is not being unaware of competency, it is believing you have more to learn to reach mastery.
Key: I don’t have to be around a master to grow in my mastery. I can learn it from anywhere.
That’s humility: I have room to grow and everyone can help me get there.
Leading Hope with Kevin Jack
Your influence will lead people somewhere, lead them towards Hope.
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