Episode 229
A Mountain a Day
May 15

Leader Notes
Feeling at Church Plant that everything was just leading into Sunday and that I had one significant day and 6 prep days.
Shifted to two days that were significant: Big meetings on Wednesday & Spiritually significant on Sundays.
Now: A mountain a day.
That’s not going to happen everyday.
Not every hour will be significant because of energy levels, but everyday can have something.
I have to define the most significant thing that I can move that day. Then do that.
I have to be obedient to what God is leading me into.
What It Looks Like
Big Meetings: Practice of Study Break
Heavy Conflict with Culture Focus
What This Has Shifted
I would rather live with a no “off” days mentality.
My “off” days are the biggest thing I can do that day!
Leading Hope with Kevin Jack
Your influence will lead people somewhere, lead them towards Hope.
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