Episode 222
From Shepherd to Leader (Part 1)
March 27

Leader Notes
Shepherds will help people continue to grow regardless of where they are. Leaders will hold people to a standard, develop them up or move them on.
Are they improving vs will they meet the standard?
Shepherds will apply their time based upon your proximity and need, leaders will apply their time based upon your potential.
They need a lot of my time vs Is this the best use for my time?
Shepherds will always do what they feel is best for the individual, leaders will always do what they feel is best for the individual & the organization.
If it’s not best for the organization it’s not best for the individual.
Shepherds believe leading by example is enough, leaders know they need to pull more levers than that.
Shepherd is more leadership present, Leader is more strategically absent.
The leader is present when it’s helpful, the shepherd wants to be needed.
Shepherd overvalues loyalty, Leader overvalues impact.
not saying negatively, saying that is the bent.
Shepherd evaluates people based upon intentions, leader evaluates people based upon outcomes.
Leading Hope with Kevin Jack
Your influence will lead people somewhere, lead them towards Hope.
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