Episode 219
Don’t Take a Break Because You’re Bored
March 6

Leader Notes
If you’re taking a break because you’re bored, you’re not going hard enough. Take a break because you can’t keep going.
Episode 212: Intense Words & My own implementation of that.
Found: How often we operate with a total lack of intensity.
Training: You can go long, you can go hard, you can’t go hard & long.
We take breaks because we’re bored, not because our performance is declining.
Not everything requires intensity, but more things than you think require it.
If you’re multi-tasking something that if you’re fully engaged you can’t multi-task- you need to up your intensity.
If you never have to take a break because of fatigue, not boredom, you need to up your intensity.
If your work always fits the allotted time- you need to up your intensity.
How to up it:
Dial in, Tune everything out, Set 40 minutes & go after it.
Leading Hope with Kevin Jack
Your influence will lead people somewhere, lead them towards Hope.
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