Episode 217

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Behind the name change

February 21


Leader Notes

The Difficulty, The Decision, The Process.
The Difficulty
  • This is a strategic decision in a spiritual community.
    • Tendency to spiritualize everything.
    • God showed us where, we need to figure out how to get there at times.
The Decision
  • Do the benefits of expansion and cultural clarity outweigh the pain of the process and the risk of upsetting people.
    • Explain both dynamics and what was at stake.
  • So we didn’t make a gut reaction to it, we investigated it through the process.
Our Process
  • Rebrand Groups: Believed we needed to rebrand at least.
    • 130 People through questions like
      • “What sticks out about our culture?”
      • “What, if changed, would make you consider leaving this Church?”
      • “Stories that embody who we are?”
    • Interesting thing learned:
      • Not known by our name.
      • Concern: Cost
  • Community Survey: Feel for the communities perspective of who we are.
    • 150 People through questions like
      • What do you know Highland Park by?
      • If you were to attend a Church, why would you? What are you looking for?
    • Interesting thing learned: Known by events, looking for culture.
  • Small Group of our Board
    • Didn’t pick the name, answered the question, “Do the benefits of expansion and cultural clarity outweigh the pain of the process and the risk of upsetting people.”
      • In the midst: Incredible donor who cover the cost.
      • Answer: yes!
    • Reconvened & added others to pick the name.
      • Criteria: Google Search Unique, Non-Geographic, True to culture.
      • “One” “Church”–> had a brand not a name: Church for the One.
Wrap Up
  • Defined the key questions
  • Defined the Process
  • Got the Opinion of 280 People
  • Made a Decision

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