Episode 180
You Have To Get Better
May 24

Leader Notes
Main Idea:
Leaders who have mastered self-leadership put a priority on developing themselves, they do not delegate that role to anyone else. “I’m not being developed” is what non-leaders say, that is always your responsibility.
Map for today: Habits, Skills, Attitude
All of self-leadership is built off of healthy habits.
What you repeatedly, intuitively do.
Everything in life is upheld by our habits: Relationships, Health, Personal Development, Faith.
“Your outcomes are a lagging measure of your habits.” James Clear
Habits are difficult to start, easy to maintain: “The choices that are easy in the short term are very often in direct conflict with what makes life easy in the long term.” Rory Vaden
Question: What current habits are leading you toward the outcomes you desire? What current habits are leading you away from the outcomes you desire? What habits do you need to start to get there?
Note how this is the most important one and the other two really are specific applications off of habits.
Leaders who lead themselves deliberately develop & refine the skills.
Make a note how the above line isn’t brilliant- yet most people don’t do it.
Stephen Covey speaks on “Sharpen the Saw”. Abraham Lincoln, “If I only had an hour to chop down a tree, I would spend the first 45 minutes sharpening my axe.”
Where most people find the importance of coaches. Coaches give clarity of perspective and accountability.
Several Self-Directed Learning Initiatives
Speaking Structure
Speaking Clearly
Thinking Clearly: Systems Thinking
Time Management
Every single one of these has started with absorbing a ton of information and then enduring habits.
Go where your competitors don’t go and read what they don’t read. Sample
Question: What skill do you need to develop, what outcome do you seek, who can you learn that skill from?
Leaders who lead themselves deliberately develop a positive perspective
The Idea
Connected to the idea of grit.
Too many gifted, talented, influential leaders drop off, or drop out, because they disconnected from their passion or they see far more negative than positive.
Entitlement is the end of achievement. Rory Vaden
A life of mediocrity doesn’t come from having a bad attitude, a life of mediocrity comes from having an average attitude. Attitude is simply the way you choose to see things. Rory Vaden
How to do this:
Surround yourself with people who think in terms of opportunity.
Develop habits around gratitude & capturing the positive.
Develop habits around dreaming & spotting opportunities.
Leading Hope with Kevin Jack
Your influence will lead people somewhere, lead them towards Hope.
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