Episode 175
Where am I?
April 19, 2023

Leader Notes
Main Idea:
- Series: If leaders do not become conscious of the culture and context they interact with and are embedded in, those cultures will manage them.
- Today: Every culture that exists was formed over time to create a specific context today. Knowing how & why that context came to be enables us to better interact with, lead within, and when necessary: shift that culture.
Context is never simply “bad”.
- The effectiveness of any culture cannot be evaluated separately from the environment to which it exists.
- There is no universally correct leadership style because of cultural variation.
Context has layers.
- When seeking cultural change you must impact culture at the deepest level for it to take hold.
- An outsider can often gain a greater sense of “what” is happening at the deepest level, but they will not know “why”.
You do not understand a context if you cannot appreciate a context.
- Leaders must understand their own culture well enough to be able to detect where there are potential incompatibilities with their culture and other contexts, and within their culture & their vision.
- Leaders must be able to decipher other contexts well enough to reveal their assumptions, synergies, and incompatibilities.
**Get someone else in your organization & both of you write out a list describing the culture you’re in, compare your list to another person and begin to figure out where your differences came from & what it means about your deeper values.
Leading Hope with Kevin Jack
Your influence will lead people somewhere, lead them towards Hope.
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