Episode 173
Four Tools for the Change Process
April 5, 2023

Leader Notes
Main Idea:
Everything can change, but if you don’t know how to effectively lead change you greatly reduce your success rate. You need tools to help you with the change process.
The greatest tool you have at your disposal is a clear, flexible, behavior-focused, change process.
– Change is about behavior. It is deeper than that, but it must it never different from that.
Increase Urgency
Build the guiding team
Get the vision right
Communicate for buy-in
Empower Action
Create short-term wins
Don’t let up
Make change stick
Influence is essential for change leadership, know how you gain influence.
– As a leader your role is to make the right decisions, you gain influence by doing the right things the right way.
Influence is essential for change leadership, know how you gain influence.
– As a leader your role is to make the right decisions, you gain influence by doing the right things the right way.
Assignment: Begin focusing now on how you can increase the cards in your hand so you can play what will win.
Focus on Understandable Factors
Use measures that are fair and appropriate
Use data that is connected to the future you want to create.
Your influence will lead people somewhere, lead them towards Hope.
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