Episode 171
Courageous Followership
March 22, 2023

Leader Notes
Main Idea: The courage of a leader lies in their ability to take risks. The courage of a follower lies in their ability to choose when to follow and when to disobey. An act of loyalty when everyone else seeks mutiny may be that expression of courage in the same way that walking out may be the act of courage when everyone else is choosing loyalty.
There is no leader who will never need to be checked.
Your obedience can be helpful and your obedience can be destructive.
– Destructive obedience is characterized by:
1. Blindly accepting the authority’s definition of the situation. Responsible followers can become victims if they must take on the role of whistleblower.
2. Allowing a shift in responsibility to take place from follower to leader. There are no innocent bystanders, only silent colluders. There are no innocent bystanders, only silent colluders.
You need to know how to fire your boss.
Closing Questions:
1. Am I willing to check my leader in a healthy way?
2. Am I maintaining personal agency and independent thinking while following well?
3. Have I evaluated whether or not I should stay in terms of “can I still add value” or “Am I able to keep following well”?
Your influence will lead people somewhere, lead them towards Hope.
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