Episode 167
How To Lead Like You
Feb 22, 2023

Leader Notes
If you listen to one speaker you’ll sound like that speaker, but if you listen to 1,000 speakers; you’ll sound like yourself.
In Leadership we don’t always have the access to thousands of leaders to help us model our leadership off of.
For most of us, we don’t learn about ourselves from those we lead under. We simply attempt to emulate their strengths and avoid their weaknesses which rarely results in effective leadership.
They can lead how they were called to lead better than you can lead how they were called to lead.
The Styles of Leadership:
– Democratic: Team-Building
– Authoritarian: Heavy Hand
– Coaching: Developer
– Transactional: Win-Win Scenario
– Transformational: People developer on steroids
– Laissez-Fare: Permission
1: How did you lead before you knew how to lead.
2. What Leadership Skills/Activities are you drawn to?
Your influence will lead people somewhere, lead them towards Hope.
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