About Leading Hope
Everyone has influence, everyone leads. The question is: “What will be the impact of your leadership?”
Your leadership can lead people towards despair, or it can lead them towards hope. But how can you ensure that you’re leading them towards hope? Leading Hope is our investment in you, 20 minutes at a time, to keep you fresh as a leader and continue to make a positive impact with your influence as we explore the intersection of principles of leadership and faith.

Here’s what our listeners had to say:
The pastor Kevin Jack is one of the best I’ve ever heard in my 55 years of life, he has a powerful message each and every Sunday and you walk away with something everytime.
Pastor Kevin is amazing. He is funny, relatable, and very real. He doesn’t just preach at you, but with you. We love this church so much that we have invited several friends to join us. I would highly recommend this church to anyone looking for a church family. I am so grateful for Be Hope Church.
Pastor Kevin is very welcoming to everyone. I always felt bad that I don’t have “church clothes” but here, I wear jeans or whatever. I LOVE the message!
Be Hope is an amazing church and Kevin always does an amazing job preaching a service. There is just something about him and the way he conveys a message that engages Everyone listing to him. The people there are truly amazing and welcoming that makes it fell different than other churches.
This church is the only church I’ve ever actually wanted to go to. It is such an uplifting positive environment and pastor Kevin’s messages are amazing.