Episode 1

Episode 1

Why is Resilience Important?

November 6, 2019

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Episode 1 - Why is Resilience Important?

Leader Notes

It is key to understand first that one of the most important qualities of a leader is that they are resilient: able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. The resilience of a leader matters because the work is never easy, and the expectation that resilience isn’t essential will quickly lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed. Resilience begins with the realization that leadership is hard and everyone has setbacks, and that most people drop out before they can really make an impact. It is not the expectation of the worst, rather it is the expectation that whatever the worst is, you can handle it.

  • Enthusiasm is common, endurance is rare. – Angela Duckworth

  • Seth Godin on the Dip
  • “Life is hard, and as soon as you realize that, life’s not so hard.” – M Scott Peck

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